I've been in the software industry as a professional since May 5, 1999. I started as a developer and began managing projects and then people. In February of 2004, I transitioned into a full time manager role of people, projects and products.

Industries and technology has changed over the years - which always presents new challenges and opportunities to grow. The same holds true for managing relationships. How we interact with peers, partners and our own teams has evolved to be more efficient and productive.

Industry Knowledge

With over two decades of experience, I have developed a strong understanding of the industries in which I have operated, with an extensive knowledge of market trends, customer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. This allows me to make informed decisions and develop effective product strategies that drive business success and more importantly keep customers happy.


Health Care

B2B / B2C

Public Safety

Leadership and Strategic Vision

As a leader, I continuously hone my skills in strategic thinking, vision setting, and team management. I'm blessed with the ability to articulate a clear product vision, align teams towards common goals, and motivate individuals to perform at their best can significantly impact the success of a company.

But more importantly, I have not forgotten how to listen. Listen to customers, peers, employees, market trends and just as important, the developers and support personnel that oversee the customers and features every day.

Mentorship and Team Development

Throughout my career, I have mentored and developed product management teams. My ability to guide and inspire others, foster a culture of innovation, and provide growth opportunities for team members can be a valuable asset to your organization looking to strengthen its product management capabilities. But even while mentoring, I still take time to listen and learn from them as well.

Out of all of my accomplishments, I am most proud of the teams I have mentored. I love to see their career path trajectory and celebrate their successes with them. And the thing I'm most proud of? I know they would all work with me, or for me, again.

Stakeholder Management

Throughout my experience, I have strived to build strong relationships with various stakeholders, including executives, customers, engineers, partner agencies and marketing teams. The ability to navigate complex relationships, manage competing priorities, and communicate effectively across different levels of the organization has always been my key to driving cross-functional collaboration and alignment.

Product Lifecycle and Development Processes

Over the course of my career, I have gained a deep understanding of the entire product lifecycle. From ideation and market research to product development, launch, and post-launch optimization. This helps me ensure that products are well-managed and deliver value at each stage.

Between each business environment, the development process can change. I have worked within agile methodologies (scrum, XP, KanBan and SAFe) as well as classic methods (like Waterfall).

I have also taken part in and lead Agile Transformation and best practices across companies (Sungard Public Sector, Karmak and PatientPoint)

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

I have faced and resolved numerous challenges throughout my career. It took many experiences to hone and craft the skills to solve the hard problems. These challenges have helped my ability to analyze complex problems, make data-driven decisions, and devise creative solutions that can be a valuable asset to an organization seeking a someone who can navigate ambiguity and drive successful outcomes.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

In this ever changing world of technology and rapidly evolving industry, it can be difficult to stay abreast of new technologies, methodologies, and market trends. I strive to continue with an openness to learn, to adapt to change, and to embrace innovation. This ensures that I bring a forward-thinking mindset to the organization after all these years.